1998 U.S. Brotherhood/Hamas Group Editorial Advisory Board Identitifed


The Investigative Project has posted a portion of a 1998 edition of a journal published by the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), a part of the Palestine Committee of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, which identifies the group’s “Board of Advisory Editors” during that time. Notable names include:

  • Charles Butterworth, University of Maryland and frequent supporter of the U.S. Brotherhood
  • Graham Fuller, former Vice-chair of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA and supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • Sulayman Nyang, Howard University, frequent speaker at ISNA and CAIR events

The document was introduced as evidence in the current retrial of the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case. All of the above individuals, with the exception of Louis Cantori recently deceased, are still known to be involved with the global Muslim Brotherhood.

The USAR was founded by Hamas deputy political chief Mousa Abu Marzook and listed in many documents introduced by federal prosecutors as part of the Palestine Committee of the U.S. Brotherhood, set up in order to assist Hamas. The 1998 issue of the USAR journal also contains an article authored by U.K. based Azzam Tamimi, often referred to as a Hamas “spokesman.”

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