Ibrahim Munir


Ibrahim MunirIbrahim Munir Mustafa (aka Ibrahim Munir, Ibrahim Mounir) was referred to in the past by the Egyptian Brotherhood as an Executive Bureau member of the Brotherhood’s International Organization while an Egyptian news report identifies him as the Secretary-General of the International Organization and one of its founders in 1982 as well as a spokesman for the Brotherhood in London. The latter Arabic language news report also provides some biographical detail on Mr. Munir who it says was sentenced to life imprisonment in Egypt in the 1950’s in connection with the events following the attempted assassination of then Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. Following his early release in 1975, the report says Mr. Munir traveled and worked in the Gulf States on behalf of the Brotherhood following which he applied for and was granted political asylum in the UK. Mr. Munir is also known to be the general supervisor of the London-based Muslim Brotherhood publication known as the ‘Risalat Al-Ikhwan’ (Muslim Brotherhood Message). Mr. Munir drew international attention in 2010 when he was one of five members charged by Egyptian prosecutors with money laundering and raising funds abroad.

The GMBDW has obtained a translated summary of an Egyptian newspaper report, no longer available online, providing further details regarding the Egyptian government’s investigation into an alleged Muslim Brotherhood money-laundering ring. According to a document which Al-Masry al-Youm claims to have obtained:

Ibrahim Munir is identified as the Secretary-General of the International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian government claims that he took advantage of several institutions and conferences held in the UK following the war on Gaza in order to raise funds for the Palestinians. Part of the money was said to have been transferred to companies abroad but the majority smuggled into Egypt by members of the International Organisation who were not under surveilance. According to the paper, the Egyptian document identifies some of the institutions including the Muslim Welfare House (MWH), said to belong to the Islamic Call Society in Britain ([jam’iyyat al-da’wa al-islamiyya bi-baritaniya]. The MWH is reported to be one of the institutions used by the International Organisation in the UK to cover its work. One of the accused, Ashraf Muhammad Abdul Halim Abdul Ghaffar, is said to have conducted a fundraising campaign through the MWH in the beginning of 2009, collecting more than GBP 2 million. In addition, both Munir and Awad al-Qarni (the Saudi accused) reportedly fundraised following a conference held in London in April 2009, collecting more than GBP 2 million. Wagdy Ghoneim is alleged to have fundraised following a Palestine Forum Britain (PFB) celebration held on February 2009. Al-Masry al-Youm also accuses Chakib bin Makhlouf, head of the Federation of Islamic Organizations In Europe (FIOE) said to have been set up by the International Organisation abroad. Bin Makhlouf is accused of entering Egypt in January 31, 2009 with a truck convoy together with FIOE Assistant Secretary-General Ayman Ali and delivering large sums of money to Osama Muhammad Suleiman, an MB figure also involved in the doctors syndicate. Suleiman heads two international money-changing companies known as the Arabic Exchange Group and Al-Sabah Exchange and allegedly laundered the money, some 2.7 million Europe largely collected by Munir, during the first week of February 2009.