U.K. Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Threatens Israel With Destruction


A British blogger has posted video of U.K. Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Kozbar threatened Israel with destruction if it should respond militarily to rockets being fired into Israel from Gaza. According to the blogger’s report, Kozbar’s statements were made at a London rally at the end of December:

Mohammed Kozbar of the British Muslim Initiative today threatened Israel with destruction should it again take defensive action against the Hamas rockets still being fired into Israel from Gaza when he spoke on the streets of London outside the Israeli Embassy today. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign had called the protest to mark the three year anniversary of the start of Operation Cast Lead, Israel’s defensive war against Hamas. Kozbar said: “Our message to them is don’t repeat the same mistake again. This time will be the end of Israel, Inshallah”. Other people spoke after Kozbar but I was told by a Constable Lines that I would be arrested for a public order offence if I continued to film close up as I was, apparently, “winding them up”. I might have been “in their faces” with my camera but then how is one supposed to film a political protest where there’s noisy traffic! There is freedom of speech in London but no freedom to film that free speech! Anyway, “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free” was a constant chant of the 300 strong mob and the Neturei Karta turned up to huge cheers and posed under a photo of Hassan Nasrallah, he of “Jews are descended from pigs and apes” and “if every Jew gathered in Israel it would be easier than going after them worldwide” fame: ….There was a small pro-Israel turnout of about 50, which was good considering the lure of the Brent Cross sales, Limmud and Eilat, but that was enough for the anti-Israel mob to direct their aggression at. There was one huge sign opposite them which read “Israel has the right to protect itself against terror”, which didn’t go down too well. One of the questions the pro-Israel posse kept posing to the Israel-haters was “Where’s the church in Gaza?” But answer came there none.

See the video here.

The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) had for many years been the most active organization in the U.K Muslim Brotherhood. Many of the leaders of the MAB left in 2007 to form the British Muslim Initiative (BMI). According to an Israeli think-tank report, the breakup appeared to be the result of a conflict between traditionalists in the MAB who were unhappy with the high level of involvement in U.K left-wing politics while those who who formed the BMI wished such activity to continue. Anas Al-Tikriti, the leader of the BMI, and former MAB official, is the son of Osama Al-Tikriti, one of the leaders of the Iraqi Islamic Party representing the Muslim Brotherhood in that country. The Stop The War Coalition is one of the far-left groups which has frequently acted in coalitions with the UK Muslim Brotherhood.

Mohammed Kozbar is a well known leader in the U.K Muslim Brotherhood and has been an officer in numerous U.K. Brotherhood organizations including BMI and the MAB, the Finsbury Park Mosque, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), and the Muslim Welfare House.


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