ANALYSIS: Media Fails To Do Even Basic Research


It is no surprise to the GMBDW that the major media in the US is often woefully uninformed about the Global Muslim Brotherhood. However, in the past days we have noticed two particularly egregious instances of journalists who seemed not to do even the most basic research in this regard. On June 4 we linked to a story at, a US Jewish media sources that has published since 1897 and is generally considered to be one of the premier Jewish media sources. The Forward story, titled “Brussels May Be Lying About Museum Shootings, Professor Claims” was centered solely on prominent Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Ramadan yet failed to mention that he is the son-in-law of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and described him only as a “Swiss Professor.”

On May 28, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour did a report on the incarceration of Mohammed Soltan never mentioning that, as reported by the GMBDW in August 2013, he is the son of Muslim Brotherhood figure and notorious anti-Semite Salah Sultan, who himself had been detained in Egypt by security forces. In addition, and also reported by the GMBDW, a US blog has documented Mohamed Soltan’s support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood while he was living in the US. His father has his own extensive ties to the Global Muslim Brotherhood and a long history of virulent antisemitism. We should add that to some extent and with their own serious gaps, this same information has been reported by the Washington Post and the Huffington Post, both of whose stories are in the first ten Google search results. 

The GMBDW encourages journalists to make use of the resources at the GMBDW and thereby hopefully avoid the the embarrassing gaps i the stories cited above. 

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