The Pajamas Media blog has been reporting on the case of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council member Mohamed Elibiary who is alleged to have leaked sensitive law enforcement documents. According to their latest report:
There’s yet another update to my exclusive PJM report last week that Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council member Mohamed Elibiary allegedly leaked sensitive law enforcement documents prepared by the Texas Department of Public Safety obtained thru the Homeland Security State and Local Intelligence Community of Interest (HS SLIC) to a left-leaning media outlet claiming that the reports represented a pattern of “Islamophobia” to attack TX Governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry. According to my source at the publication, they declined to run the story that Elibiary pitched because they didn’t believe that the TX DPS reports were “Islamophobic”. The source also said that reports were marked “For Official Use Only” (FOUO). In that same story, I received confirmation from TX DPS Director Steve McCraw, who confirmed that Elibiary had obtained TX DPS materials from the HS SLIC, saying “We know that he has accessed DPS documents and downloaded them.”This past Monday I reported that McCraw had formally asked the Department of Homeland Security to open an investigation into these allegations in a phone call late last week with DHS Deputy Undersecretary for Intelligence and Analysis Bart Johnson. Rep. Louie Gohmert also grilled DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano on these allegations in a House Judiciary Committee hearing last week. And yesterday I reported from multiple sources that Elibiary’s access to the HS SLIC has been revoked. Now comes an even more disturbing revelation from inside DHS that Mohamed Elibiary is the only member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council – one out of 26 members – who has been given access to the HS SLIC database.
Read the rest here.
An earlier post reported on the swearing in of Mr. Elibiary who is also President and CEO of the Freedom and Justice Foundation (FJF), an organization with ties to the US Muslim Brotherhood and the US Hamas infrastructure.
In addition to his role as an advisor to DHS, Mr. Elibiary reported in a March 2010 statement to the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment that he had spent a week in London at the request of the government where he attended a conference and US embassy meetings “analyzing the issue of online youth radicalization and CVE (countering violent extremism). In the same statement, Mr. Elibiary referred to President Bush’s “War on Islam” and praised the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) for enduring the “overwhelming political assault they’ve weathered since 9/11” and acting “with an objective and nuanced understanding of the law enforcement community.”
A bio page from the FJF website, which has been replaced since our original post, stated that Mr. Elibiary had earned several certifications from an unidentified Islamic University on issues related to Islamic Law and Governance and that Trustee Abdulhakim Mohamed, no longer listed, was a graduate of the University of Medina, known to be a center of for the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia. The older FJF webpage went on to describe Mr. Elibiary’s occupation:
Since 2005 Mohamed, as a National Security Policy Analyst, has been advising Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies (ex. FBI, DHS, NCTC, ODNI, etc.) on various Counter-Terrorism (CT) issues (ex. Domestic Intelligence, Strategic Intelligence Analysis, Information Sharing and Radicalization). He currently is: currently pursuing a Certification in Homeland Security Studies at the Michigan State University (MSU) School of Criminal Justice a 2008-2009 Fellow at the University of Southern California (USC) American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute (AMCLI). AMCLI is a joint program through USC’s Center for Religion and Civic Culture and Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.
The Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown is directed by longtime global Muslim Brotherhood supporter John Esposito. Mr. Elibiary’s current FJF bio omits all of the above information pertaining to Islamic universities and to his role in advising intelligence and law enforcement agencies reporting only that:
Mohamed Elibiary wears two hats, one as the Founder of Lone Star Intelligence LLC, a Security Crisis Consulting Firm, and the other as President of The Freedom and Justice Foundation (F&J), a Texas Muslim interfaith community relations and state public policy educational nonprofit.
In 2008, Mr. Elibiary harshly criticized the Hamas terrorism financing convictions of the Holy Land Foundation defendants calling them “a policy of denying our civil liberties”:
The U.S. government won a resounding court victory last Monday, convicting all the Palestinian HLF defendants on all “material support” charges leveled against them. Yet in the grand scheme of things, our government’s policy of denying our civil liberties and privacy at home while pursuing a cold war “containment” policy that often turns into a hot war for “regime change” has left thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed, trillions of taxpayer dollars squandered and our homeland more vulnerable than ever. A myopic view might wish to celebrate the HLF verdict, but the big picture clearly shows a continuing loss for America.
Mr. Elibiary’s position on the Holy Land case is not surprising given the composition of the FJF Advisory Council many of whose members were listed in the earlier FJF webpage since replaced by a page omitting the council altogether. Many of the Advisory Council members are associated with the Islamic Association of North Texas which operates the Dallas Central Mosque (DCM). Both organizations are known to be associated with the US Muslim Brotherhood and the Hamas infrastructure in the U.S. including the now defunct Holy Land Foundations (HLF). The most prominent of these Advisory Council members is Dr. Yusuf Kavakci, currently a board member at large of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), who has served as Imam of the DCM that was described in a 1999 article in a Counterterrorism Journal as:
… considered to be one of the most active centers of Hamas activity in the United States and hosts the leadership and members of both the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Both organizations are the primary conduits for Hamas activity and fundraising in the United States. (See Note below)
A former FBI analyst has also written that the two of the Elashi brothers, later convicted of terrorism financing as leaders of the HLF, had personal ties to the DCM, one serving as a board member and the other active in an affiliated Islamic School. After the arrests of the Elashi’s, the DCM hosted fundraising events for their legal defense. A 2005 report by the Center For Religious Freedom (CRF) found numerous examples of Saudi ideological material at the DCM (aka Richardson Mosque) Other members of the FJF Advisory Council are leaders of the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), both organizations being important parts of the US Muslim Brotherhood.
It should also be noted that Mr. Elibiary has written admiringly of Sayid Qutb, one of the most important ideologues of the Global Muslim Brotherhood.
(Note: The Journal of Counterterrorism & Security International 1999 Fall “The Kavakci Affair: Headscarves, Religious Rights, and Terrorist Front Groups”Note 2 The Journal of Counterterrorism & Security International 1999 Fall “The Kavakci Affair: Headscarves, Religious Rights, and Terrorist Front Groups”