US media is reporting on the fourteen Muslim leaders who met with President Obama recently. According to the Breitbart News report, the group included several leaders of US Muslim Brotherhood organizations:
The Obama White House has finally released the names of the fourteen Muslim ‘leaders’ who met with the President this past week. Among the group — which included a comedian, along with a hijab-wearing basketball player and a handful of left wing activists — were a select few individuals with disturbingly close ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood.
As previously uncovered by Breitbart News, the White House confirmed that Azhar Azeez, President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), was one of the Muslim leaders that met with President Obama. ISNA was founded in 1981 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial. Federal prosecutors have previously described how ISNA funneled its money to Palestinian terrorist group Hamas (via Investigative Project):
ISNA checks deposited into the ISNA/NAIT account for the HLF were often made payable to ‘the Palestinian Mujahadeen,’ the original name for the HAMAS military wing. Govt. Exh. 1-174. From that ISNA/NAIT account, the HLF sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to HAMAS leader…
Azeez’s bio also reveals him as a founding member the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter. CAIR has also allegedly funneled money to Palestinian terror groups and was also started by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In October, 2014, Azeez signed a letter endorsing Sharia Islamic governance. Under the Sharia, non-Muslims are treated as second-class citizens. The Sharia also endorses the hudud punishments in the Koran and Hadiths, which state that apostasy from Islam is punishable by death.
The GMBDW notes that that the bio of Azhar Azeez referred to above links to the GMBDW August 2014 Featured Article on Mr. Azeez titled “New ISNA President Has Troubling Background; Azhar Azeez Has Multiple Ties To US Muslim Brotherhood And Hamas Support Organizations.” That article contains more extensive information linbking Mr. Azeez to a Hamas supoort network in Northern Texas.
The Breitbart article goes on to identify other leaders of the US Muslim Brotherhood in attendance at the meeting:
Hoda Elshishtawy of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) was also in attendance at the Muslim leaders’ meeting with President Obama.
MPAC, just like CAIR and ISNA, was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group has written and often endorsed a paper rejecting the United States’s designation of Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organizations, and has insisted that the Jewish state of Israel be added as a state sponsor of terrorism. The group’s former president, Salam al-Marayati, has publicly encouraged officials to look at Israel as a suspect in the 9/11/01 attacks.
Mohamed Majid, who serves as Imam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), was also in attendance at the White House meeting with the President, and senior advisors Ben Rhodes and Valerie Jarrett.
In 2002, ADAMS was raided as part of a U.S. government initiative called ‘Operation Green Quest,’ where federal agents suspected the group of supporting terrorist organizations. Government documents said that the ADAMS Center was ‘suspected of providing support to terrorists, money laundering, and tax evasion.’
Majid is also an official with the brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
He also signed the October 2014 letter, along with White House meeting attendee Azhar Azeez, insisting that Sharia law should be an acceptable political system worldwide.
For a profile on ISNA, go here.
For a profile on MPAC, go here.
For a profile on CAIR, go here.