Another Top Qaradawi Aide Visits Saudi Muslim World League; Visit Casts More Doubt On Saudi Muslim Brotherhood Policy


The Saudi Press Agency has announced that the Secretary General of Muslim World League (MWL) has received yet another top deputy of Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi. According to the report:

Abdel Rahman Swar Al Dahab
Abdel Rahman Swar Al Dahab

May 1, 2014, SPA — The Secretary General of Muslim World League Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmohsen Al-Turki received here today an Islamic Sudanese delegation headed by Chairman of Board of Trustees of Islamic Call Organization in Sudan Field Marshal Abdulrahman Mohammed Hassan Siwar Al-Thahab and the accompanying delegation. During the meeting, Dr. Al-Turki expressed the League’s readiness for cooperation with the Sudanese organization in the service of Islam and Muslims.

The Islamic Call Organization, otherwise known as the Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO), describes itself on its website as:

… an international non-governmental religious organization; based in Khartoum , capital of sudan, founded in May 1980. The Munazzamat aims at spereading Islam courteously and gently and at providing social services to the deprived people in Africa regardless to colour , race or religion.The munazzamat claims liberty , justice and equality among people and it opposes racial discrimination. The Munazzamat is doing it’s best to spread tolerance and peace Among muslims and other religions followers , and to inspire the beautiful spiritual values of the religions which are meant for the welfare and happiness of mankind.

The IDO has received some notoriety of late when it was reported that President’s Obama’s half brother was the Executive Secretary of the IDO’s Sudanese branch and he has been photographed in 2010 at an IDO Board of Directors Conference together with Field Marshal Al-Dhahab.

The IDO is headed by Field Marshal ‘Abd al-Rahman Siwar al-Dhahab described in a 2009 NEFA Foundation report as the Deputy Head of the Union of Good (UOG), a Hamas fundraising organization associated with Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi. The NEFA report describes Al-Dhahab as follows:

Field Marshal ‘Abd al-Rahman Siwar al-Dhahab (Deputy) (Sudan) ‘Abd al-Rahman Siwaral-Dhahab is the former President of Sudan (1985-1989). During his term as President, Siwaral-Dhahab was close to the National Islamic Front (NIF), the political party representing the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic Dawa Organization, a Sudanese NGO working in Africa said to be close to Saudi Arabia. The Islamic Dawa Organization is also a [Union of Good] member organization.

When Qaradawi visited Gaza in May 2013, he was accompanied by al-Dahab and the two were photographed sitting on either side of Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.

The Muslim World League (MWL) was established in 1962 as a means for the propagation of Saudi “Wahabbi” Islam. Muslim Brothers played an important role in its founding and the League has always been strongly associated with the Brotherhood. GMBDW reported last month that a another top deputy to Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi was on a visit to the Kingdom where he was welcomed in his office by the MWL Secretary-General. The GMBDW reported in March that Saudi Arabia had formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization and was among a group of Gulf countries that had recalled their envoys from Qatar over the issue. However,  we also reported that the MWL had just concluded a global conference in the name of King Abdullah which included among its speakers two important leaders in the Global Muslim Brotherhood. We thought at that time it was possible that Saudi Arabia may not fully understand the global Brotherhood or perhaps were prepared to continue its support of its Western elements while attempting to limit or destroy the Brotherhood presence in the Gulf. However, as we have already noted, given Qaradawi’s enormous visibility and prominent role in the recent conflict between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors, it is unlikely that Saudi Arabia is acting out of ignorance. This latest visit by an individual so close to Qaradawi just confirms our analysis that for whatever reason, the Muslim World League MWL is being allowed to conduct itself outside of declared Saudi policy.

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