Muslim American Society Convention Illustrates U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Connections


The Muslim American Society, a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, will be holding it’s 11th Annual Regional Convention entitled “Islam: The Journey From Inner Peace to World Peace” from November 21-25 in Los Angeles. The convention website describes the event as follows:

All sessions will focus on the positive and active role Muslims should play and the practical steps they can follow to achieve inner and outer peace. To achieve this goal, the American Muslim community will lean on its faith in God starting at the individual level and moving up to the family, the community, organizations and society overall. We will highlight failures, problems, and “negative issues”, and focus on giving hope, encouragement, and a bright outlook to give attendees a proactive attitude toward being part of a positive change.

The speaker’s list is a rostrum of U.S Muslim Brotherhood leaders and illustrates the close connections enjoyed by the various organizations they represent. Featured speakers include:

  • Jamal Badawi (ISNA, CAIR, MAS)
  • Muzammil H. Siddiqi (ISNA)
  • Hassan Hathout (MAPC)
  • Esam Omeish (MAS)
  • Zulfiqar Ali Shah (ICNA)
  • Abdallah Idris Ali (ISNA)
  • Dr. Maher Hathout (MPAC)
  • Mahdi Bray (MAS, former MPAC)
  • Hussam Ayloush (CAIR)

and many others associated with the U.S. Brotherhood.

ISNA= Islamic Society of North America

CAIR= Council on American-Islamic Relations

MPAC= Muslim Public Affairs Council

MAS= Muslim American Society

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